Senin, 28 Februari 2011

End of February

Dalam 2 jam, bulan kedua dalam tahun ini akan segera berakhir :)

Simply sad to leave this months, but really curious for the another great adventure next month.

My february isn't an ordinary February, not because of girl because February related to Val's day, but despite the Saint Val's day, I really enjoy february as a months that make grow more and more become a better man.

For the first time I take a privilege as a leader for the first time seminar created by mentoring UPH, another toon of fun with my second family at senate. Another great chit-chat with my lovely friend, and my best friend which have got her new boy :) *wishing all the best for both of you.

Simply, I just so loved with this February, another great story await, another philosophy awaits.

See u at March

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