Senin, 28 Februari 2011

My little Jazz

if we are talking about lovely good that you love the most, I will talk about my car.

Sebuah mobil yang gw perjuangkan dengan susah payah ini telah menjadi sebuah saksi mati kehidupan begitu banyak orang-orang dalam kehidupan gw.

Mobil ini sudah mengangkut kedua orang tua paling dahsyat dalam kehidupan gw, pantat mereka sudah duduk mencap di kursi yang ada di mobil itu.

Mobil ini saksi kehidupan perjuangan sepupu gw mencari bahan skripsi sampai akhirnya dia berhasil lulus dari UPH menjadi seorang sarjana S.I. Kom :)

Mobil ini juga menyimpan begitu banyak cerita-cerita manis, cerita-cerita sedih, dan ia mendengarkannya mungkin setiap keluh kesah gw dan teman-teman gw yang duduk di tempat duduknya yang hangat itu.

Mobil ini membawa gw dan teman-teman gw pergi keliling jakarta dan sekitarnya, dia melewati begitu banyak jalanan-jalanan, dari yang paling bagus, mulus, hingga paling terjal, dahsyat, berlobang, dan ia tetap setia.

Luka-luka gores pun banyak di tubuhnya, dan belum gw kasih plester :( well, gw berencana akan mengoperasi plastik wajahnya :)

Mobil ini tempat begitu banyak inspirasi, tempat begitu banyak air mata telah diteteskan, tempat dimana begitu banyak emosi diluapkan.

Mobil mungil ini membawa begitu banyak beban entah fisik *badan gw ini. hahahaha, serta begitu banyak beban beban emosi :)

Andaikan mobil ini hidup, mungkin dia sudah teriak-teriak minta ganti majikan, well tapi dia tidak bisa, dan harus menerima kenyataan membawa gw *dan gw sudah membawanya dengan sangat dahsyat. akakaka.

I just love this car, just love it, just loooooveeeee it.

End of February

Dalam 2 jam, bulan kedua dalam tahun ini akan segera berakhir :)

Simply sad to leave this months, but really curious for the another great adventure next month.

My february isn't an ordinary February, not because of girl because February related to Val's day, but despite the Saint Val's day, I really enjoy february as a months that make grow more and more become a better man.

For the first time I take a privilege as a leader for the first time seminar created by mentoring UPH, another toon of fun with my second family at senate. Another great chit-chat with my lovely friend, and my best friend which have got her new boy :) *wishing all the best for both of you.

Simply, I just so loved with this February, another great story await, another philosophy awaits.

See u at March

Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Life like a Twitter

Dalam perjalanan hidup ini, kita bisa membuat suatu presepsi yang menarik.

Dalam hidup ini tentu, kita akan memiliki seseorang yang kita ikuti dan seseorang yang tidak kita ikuti.

Berbagai alasan kita punya untuk hal-hal itu, kenapa kita mengikuti orang X, dan kenapa kita tidak mengikuti orang Z, atau terkadang kita menutup diri dari orang-orang yang ingin mengikut diri kita.

In a simple way, this part of our life is just like a twitter.

Sebuah social network yang dimana kita bisa saling bertukar short message yang dapat kita lihat dengan system “follow” dan “unfollow” or sometimes “mute” dan kita bisa “protect” our own profile.

Enough with that introduction, and now let’s just talk about life.

When we following someone, there is a enough reason that we’re following it, in this example I will talk when we are following our leader let’s say our parent or our boss in job, or our dean in the university, or anyone, let’s say your BOSS.

Saat kita tergabung dalam suatu instansi, tentu ada si bos, dan mau tidak mau kita harus mem-”follow” si bos, dan si bos akan “follow back” *(bahasa gaulnya folback) kita, dan apapun yang bos kita “tweet” walaupun terkadang itu tidak penting, apabila kita tidak mengikuti “tweet” yang telah di “tweet”-kan, ada konsekuensi yang menunggu.

Lu bakal di “unfollow” sama bos lu, di kicked out dari instansi tersebut.

But another part that should be our concern is about, free will, a freedom to choose or express neither to follow nor unfollow as I mention before, or sometimes mute the person we are following or we’re following them, but every time the person tweet something, we just ignored it, and assume that tweet never pop-up in the twitter.

And now let’s talk to our brain and our mind, how if we do that such thing to our God? I don’t talk about Christianity only, but for all religion which I believe have something in common.

How many times we are un-following God? For every tweet that we think contradict with our ego and will? For every tweet we think it’s unimportant and we just ignored it, pretend the words never came from His mouth, and just mute our ear and close our eyes from every words that He spoke to us.

And after we got the consequences because not following every single tweet that He post into our application called brain, after someone we follow *yet a person, tell us,”Go back, we must follow Him, because there’s a good thing if we keep following and do His thing”.

Sometimes with a shy expression or without any shame we click “follow” again, and it happen not only once, but many times! What a creature being we are, very selfish.

But He is just too good, every single consequences that He deliver upon us just simply make us keep following Him, a consequences that tell us to click “Follow” and read every “Tweet” He post every seconds to our brain, and tell us to do it, keep faith in Him, and walk together with Him.

And the best part is, we may un-following God, BUT He NEVER UN-FOLLOWING US