Senin, 25 April 2011


Crisis, my black macbook tell me, it is a condition or a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger.

Tetapi, setiap orang pasti akan mendefinisikan kata krisis bagi masing-masing mereka berbeda, ini adalah hal yang subjektif. Sangat subjektif.. Believe it.

Pepatah mengatakan, kehidupan seperti roda, ada kala saat engkau berada di atas, ada kala saat engkau berada di bawah. Do not blame it, do not deny about it. it's true.

Setiap kita pasti akan pernah merasakan masing-masing krisis dalam kehidupan kita. Sebuah waktu dan kondisi yang membuat kita merasa hidup menjadi sangat berat, dan membuat kita merasa life is hard and I don't want to live in it.

So, despite of every crisis that we all ever had, including me. How to solve the crisis? Make it better.

Some quotation from Junior Masterchef Australia, "How do you improve on perfection? Make it better!" Said Jake, the twelve year old boy.

Yes, Just make it better.

To make it better, you must stand up from your chair, or your bed, create a new way of thinking, new motivation, new spirit. Make it better is an applicable thing. You can not leave the crisis if you did not do something.

I believe every crisis have its own settlement.

Just believe that you can make it better.

How to make it better? Get up, think, and do. Crisis is not forever, despite if the condition stands to long, the one who make it, is us. It's not the "X" factor or whatever.

We can get out from our own crisis by our own hand. Not by the "X" factor.

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